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Choose Your Pathway & Join the Addo Family

Comprehensive Spa Training For Modern Aesthetic Professionals

21st-century spa businesses benefit from 21st-century training. At Addo Wellness Institute, we empower aesthetic organizations with the core competencies they need to grow and thrive. Proudly supporting active entrepreneurs and aspiring professionals, we’re thrilled to start this journey with you!

Our Aesthetic Career Training Pathways

A professional woman standing in her modern office

Spa Manager

Master operations, finance, sales, and marketing to assume your role as a pillar of your organization.

A professional woman using her laptop

Spa Social Media Manager Certification

Brush up on SMM (social media management) best practices or learn the foundational skills you need to create compelling campaigns.

A woman writing on a notepad

Spa Virtual Front Desk Certification

Grow your role & provide unparalleled support with inventory, maintenance, customer service, & safety skills to last a lifetime.

Additional Course Designed for Personal Academic Enhancement

Financial Literacy Course

Learn to manage money in your life and business with confidence through Addo Wellness Institute’s Financial Literacy Course.

During this twice-weekly, month-long course, you’ll dive deep into learning the ins and outs of finance, and more importantly, learn how to utilize the data you pull from your numbers to make smart and strategic decisions that help you in achieving your goals.

Taught by our leading Money Coach, Nicole Cooley, you’ll also learn about critical financial elements such as profit and loss, statements of cash flows, balancing sheets as well as how to read financial statements, budgeting, and embracing and utilizing the Profit First mindset and methodology. 

A woman sitting at a table using a laptop

Become the Professional You’ve Always Dreamt of & Watch Your Business Grow

For yourself or for a rising star in your organization, our spa certification courses supply the edge you need to break free. Develop existing talent or start your journey to an exciting new career by choosing your pathway and applying online. Over the course of our 14-week program, you’ll meet other entrepreneurs and developing professionals, growing your network beyond your local market and learning more than you ever thought possible. With job placements, networking events, and compassionate support in perpetuity, Addo Wellness Institute is the place for you.

Are you ready to transform your trajectory and learn the skills you need to blow the doors open on a new career or spa business? Contact Addo Wellness Institute today!